M-COTE GL (Alcohol Based Graphite Wash)

Coatings are produced from special refractory materials. These are spirit or Solvent based and highly inflammable, available in paste and ready to use Liquid forms. They are available in the range of special refractory dressings such as Graphite, Zircon, Ceramic and combination. The refractory coatings are recommended for use on green sand, silicate and oil bonded moulds and cores to get a smooth casting finish free from sand burn-on for Iron, Steel and non- ferrous castings.


  • Mix paste products with the appropriate thinner at the recommended Dilution rate using a mechanical mixture.
  • Remix the ready for use liquid homogeneously before use. Apply by brush or spray on the mould or core surface and light off.
  • In case of large moulds or cores surface, it is ideal to apply products in smaller areas at a time followed by immediate light off.
  • Replace the lid of the container immediately after use.
  • Torch the coated surface after lighting off, whenever necessary, in order to completely dry the coated surface.


  • Good casting finishes.
  • Reduced fettling costs
  • Higher coverage
  • No blistering, cracking, scaling or drying Brushing Dipping Spraying.

Product Range:- M-COTE GL Alcohol Based Graphite Wash
Fillers:- Graphite
Application:- Iron castings
Precaution:- Mouldcotes are highly inflammable & should be kept away from flames.