A ready to use high refractory solvent based product for heavy section cast Iron and steel castings suitable for green sand and CO2 processes. It can be used for heavy section copper castings. CERACOTE-30S is formulated in such a way as to get very good suspension properties and hence is very easy to remix after any length of storage. The dried coating presents a smooth, uniform and inert surface to the molten cast and hence preventing burn on and metal penetration.

Brushing and swabbing.
For large moulds and cores, coatings should be done in parts and ignited to avoid solvent loss by evaporation. It should be mixed properly before use.

CERACOTE-30S is formulated in such a way as to get very good suspension properties and hence is very easy to remix after any length of storage.
Due to higher filler to solvent ratio covering property is excellent.

Standard Packing
Physical Properties
Sp.Gravity :-1.65-1.75gm/cc 55-65 Be
Viscosity :-14-16Secs.By B4 Cup.
Settling :- 2-5% after an hour.
20-25% after 24hours.